Strawberry Plants


Strawberry plants are a beloved choice for gardeners, offering sweet, juicy berries that are a summer favourite. Whether you're growing them in garden beds, containers, or hanging baskets, strawberries are relatively easy to care for and can provide a generous harvest throughout the season. With a variety of types available, from everbearing to June-bearing, you can enjoy a continuous supply of strawberries from late spring to early autumn.

Strawberry Plants
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Strawberry Plants FAQs

Take a look at some of the frequently asked questions we receive from those looking to buy strawberry plants in the UK. You can contact our Customer Service Team or browse our general FAQs for further advice.

When to Plant Strawberry Plants

Strawberry plants can be planted in early spring, ideally in March or April, once the soil has warmed up. Autumn is also a suitable time for planting, especially for bare-root plants, giving them time to establish before winter. Planting in autumn typically leads to a better crop the following summer. Choose a sunny spot with well-drained soil for the best results, and if you’re planting in containers, make sure they have plenty of drainage holes to prevent waterlogging.

How to Grow Strawberry Plants

To grow strawberries, start by preparing your soil with plenty of organic matter, such as compost, to ensure it is fertile and well-drained. Plant strawberry crowns with the roots spread out and the crown just above the soil level. Space the plants about 30-45 cm apart, with rows 60-75 cm apart to allow for good air circulation and easy harvesting. Water the plants well after planting and mulch around them to retain moisture, suppress weeds, and keep the fruit clean. Straw is a popular mulch for strawberries, but you can also use black plastic or fabric mulches. Throughout the growing season, keep the soil consistently moist and remove any runners (stems that produce new plants) if you want to direct the plant's energy towards fruit production rather than plant propagation.

How Long Does It Take to Harvest Strawberries?

Strawberries typically take about four to six weeks from flowering to produce ripe fruit. If you plant strawberries in early spring, you can expect to start harvesting by late spring or early summer, depending on the variety. Everbearing and day-neutral varieties can produce multiple harvests throughout the season, providing fresh strawberries from June through to September. Once the berries are bright red and fully ripe, pick them in the morning when they are cool and at their sweetest. Regular harvesting will encourage the plants to produce more fruit.

Why Grow Strawberry Plants?

Growing your own strawberry plants allows you to enjoy the freshest, most flavourful berries straight from your garden. Store-bought strawberries often lack the sweetness and aroma of homegrown varieties, especially when picked at the peak of ripeness. Strawberries are versatile in the kitchen, perfect for eating fresh, making jams, or adding to desserts. They are also relatively easy to grow and are a great choice for both novice and experienced gardeners. Whether you’re looking to fill a garden bed, brighten up a patio, or even try your hand at vertical gardening, strawberries offer a high reward for minimal effort.

Where Can You Grow Strawberry Plants?

Strawberry plants are highly adaptable and can be grown in a variety of locations, including garden beds, raised beds, containers, and hanging baskets. They thrive in full sun, ideally receiving at least six hours of sunlight per day. Strawberries can also be grown in smaller spaces, such as patios or balconies, as long as they have enough sunlight and are protected from strong winds. For those with limited space, growing strawberries in containers or specially designed strawberry pots is a great option. Strawberries also do well when grown as ground cover in ornamental beds, where their white flowers and red fruits add both beauty and function to the garden.