Cabbage Plant FAQs
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What are the different varieties of cabbage plant?
Cabbage plants have different characteristics depending on when they're ready to harvest.
Spring cabbages are recognised by their conical heads and loose leaves, while summer and autumn cabbages boast large, round heads. Winter cabbages are hardy plants and have dark, crinkly leaves.
Some of the most popular seasonal British cabbage varieties include Tundra, Savoy, Sweetheart, Primo, Sweet Green and January King.
When is the best time to start planting cabbages?
The versatility of cabbage plants means you can plant them all-year round. For spring cabbage, plant between September and October. For summer cabbage, sow between the end of winter and mid
spring. Or, for winter cabbage, sow in late spring.
Where should I grow cabbage plants?
All types of cabbage plant benefit from lots of sunlight and moist soil for healthy growth. They can be sown either indoors or outdoors and should be sheltered from strong, cold winds. Cabbage plants grow best in the ground, but can be grown in large, deep containers, too.
How do I grow cabbage plants?
Cabbage plants should be grown in a
well-prepared bed with firm, neutral soil. Different types of cabbage plant will have various spacing
requirements, so check the instructions after buying your cabbage plants online. Also, remember to firm
your cabbage plants to prevent cabbage root fly laying eggs in the soil. A layer of wood ash around the stems can help deter the flies from laying their eggs.
How do I look after my cabbage plants?
Make sure you regularly water your cabbage plants so the soil doesn't dry out. Feed them fortnightly with nitrogen-rich liquid food to maintain healthy growth.
Why are my cabbage plant leaves yellow?
If you've noticed your cabbages have yellow leaves, you might have overwatered them or they could be suffering from clubroot – a common disease that affects cabbage plants.
To counter clubroot, there are measures you can take including keeping your cabbage plant in weed-free soil, as weeds can spread clubroot spores. The spores can also be spread on garden tools so disinfect them before using. Consider doing a pH test on the soil and add lime if needed as this will make the earth less acidic and prevent clubroot.
Why is my cabbage plant wilting?
If you've noticed the leaves on your cabbage plant wilting, it's likely it isn't getting enough water. It can be tricky trying to maintain even soil moisture for your cabbage without overwatering it, but water daily if your plants have well-draining soil. Otherwise, just add water often enough to keep the soil moist as cabbages do not thrive in waterlogged soil.
Also, consider applying mulch around your cabbage plant to help preserve soil moisture and prevent weed growth.
When should I harvest my cabbage plants?
Your cabbage plants should be ready to harvest after around 20 weeks. Cut the cabbage using a sharp knife while leaving a 10cm stalk for a smaller second crop to grow.
How should I store my cabbages?
It's best to eat your cabbages as soon as they are
picked to enjoy a fresh, delicious flavour from your greens.
However, winter cabbages can be kept for longer and should be stored in a cool, dry place.
Why buy cabbage plants from Marshalls Garden?
- With over 70 years' experience in the industry, we
know a thing or two about helping gardeners like you achieve the best results. Use our growing guides to
get the most out of your crops. - Feel free to contact us six days a week with
any questions about our products or services. Our friendly team of experts is on hand to help you. - We offer express delivery as standard and all packages are fully recyclable. All plants, including cabbage flower plants, are despatched within three days of placing an order.
- We won silver in the Best Online Retailer category at the 2022 Great British Growing Awards.