Antirrhinum (Snapdragon) Seeds

Antirrhinums, often affectionately known as 'Snapdragons,' hold a cherished place in cottage gardens. Their whimsical bunny-ear flowers not only add charm to your garden but also serve as a delightful introduction to gardening for youngsters.

Cultivating Antirrhinum seeds is a breeze; they are among the earliest seeds to sow in early spring. By starting them off early, you'll soon witness these vibrant blooms flourishing in your garden, attracting bees and other essential pollinators. Additionally, the tall varieties of Antirrhinums make excellent choices for cut flowers, adding a touch of elegance to your floral arrangements.

Explore our extensive range of Antirrhinum seeds at Marshalls and embark on a colourful gardening journey that captivates both young and old alike!

Antirrhinum (Snapdragon) Seeds
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