Care & advice for your July garden
It’s the height of summer, the bees are busy & so are gardeners!
With glorious sunny days, there's still much to do in the garden in July moving into the heart of the growing season. The vegetable plot is crammed with produce & flowerbeds have masses of colour, with everything from lavender to cosmos in full bloom.
However, our garden rivals are active too, so keep on top of weeds and bugs keen to tuck into your courgettes & tomatoes.
So while enjoying your sunshine garden, find our quick guide for garden care in July.
Essential Jobs for July
✔ Keep cutting annuals like sweet peas, cosmos & cornflowers to fill your vases & encourage you flowers to grow.
Feed with a fertiliser every few weeks such as a potash-rich tomato feed.
✔ Keep a close eye on aphids on crops, like runner beans & wipe them off before they become a problem.
Tackle thes critters with a fast, effective and natural form of pest control.
✔ Keep greenhouses & polytunnels well ventilated, as the temperature can rocket up within an hour of the sun rIsing.
Ensure to keep greenhouses & polytunnels shaded & clean throughout summer.
✔ Cut the lawn regularly, & ensure to raise the cutting height during very dry hot weather to avoid stressing out grass.
We have combined the very best in lawn care, offering you premium quality products.
✔ Keep watering your garden in the AM or late PM to avoid too much evaporation & water perennials, shrubs & bushes.
Water the grass and plants in your garden with our selection of garden accessories.
Tall Plants
✔ Tie up tall plants such as hollyhocks & sunflowers to supports in order to give these gentle giants plenty of support to grow.
We have a wide range available from bamboo to universal cane support & more.
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Flower Beds & Borders
✔ Plant autumn bulbs like nerines and colchicums.
✔ Bulbs grow wonderfully in pots & planters, so ensure to grow in a good quality rich soil.
Get your flower bulbs off to a great start by selecting a rich soil. We also have all of the essential accessories you need to plant & pot.
✔ Sow biennials in preparation for next year, including foxgloves, dianthus, and wallflowers.
✔ Biennials are fast-growing plants that flower prolifically over a long period.
See our full range of Biennials you can plant out this month, including, Pansy, Delphinium, Viola & Lavander varieties.
Dahlias &
✔ Feed dahlias fortnightly with a high-potash liquid feed to encourage masses of beautiful blooms.
✔ Ensure to deadhead repeat flowering roses to keep them flowering.
Feed your flowers with a premium solution developed to grow even more flowers than other plant feeds available now.
Lavender &
✔ Pick Lavender for lavender bags to perfume your wardrobes.
✔ Cut flowers early in the day before the essential oils burn off in the sun, although leave some flowers for the butterflies & bees for a healthy productive garden.
Invest in a sharp pair of hand pruners which are essential for preening your garden.
Geraniums, Delphiniums
& Climbers
✔ Cut back hardy geraniums and delphiniums for a second flowering in late summer.
✔ Divide overgrown clumps of bearded iris. Climbers will have alot of foliage & will require tying for support.
Find our selection of plant supports for your graceful giants, available now.
Vegetables & Fruits
✔ Carrots, beetroot, peas, chard, potatoes & tomatoes should be ready to harvest now.
See our range of spades, forks, hand tools like trowels & secateurs to harvest.
Citrus Trees
✔ Feed citrus trees with citrus feed throughout summer.
Our 'Westland Citrus Feed' is the perfect plant food for your citrus plants.
✔ Feed tomatoes fortnightly. Pinch out Cordon varieties side shoots.
Try 'Marshalls Liquid Tomato Feed' for juicier and tastier tomatoes.
Net Fruit
✔ Net fruit crops once the fruit starts to develop, to prevent bird damage.
Shop our range of netting including Grow It net tunnels & crop netting to protect your garden oasis from pests.
✔ Pick courgettes regularly to encourage more growth & watch out for pests.
We have an extensive range of pest repellants available from natural to organic.
✔ Finish harvesting rhubarb now so the plants can build up their reserves for next year.
Use rich fertilizers for healthy rhubarb plants for next year's bounty.
✔ Cabbage white caterpillars can devastate a crop, check and remove affected leaves.
Prevent cabbage white butterflies, caterpillar & aphid damage with our range or repellents.
Sow Chard
& Spinach
✔ Sow spinach & chard by mid-July for autumn & winter crops.
We have a great range available such as Spinach 'America Organic' & Swiss Chard 'Red Magic'.
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