How to protect plants from frost

Posted by Jessica Mcnamara on

As winter's chill sets in, gardeners face the challenge of safeguarding their green companions from the biting frost. Fear not, fellow garden enthusiasts! In this guide, we'll explore the art of winter plant protection, with a special focus on the invaluable roles played by grow houses and polytunnels. Let's embark on a journey to keep your garden thriving even in the coldest months.

Before diving into protective measures, let's understand the enemy – frost. Frost occurs when temperatures drop below freezing, causing ice crystals to form on plant surfaces. This can lead to cellular damage, compromising the health and vitality of your cherished plants.

protect plants

Grow Houses

Grow houses, also known as mini-greenhouses, are a gardener's secret weapon against winter frost. These compact structures create a controlled environment, shielding your plants from harsh weather conditions. Here's how to make the most of grow houses:

  • Position your grow house in a sunny spot to maximise sunlight exposure during the shorter winter days.
  • Ensure proper ventilation to prevent humidity buildup, reducing the risk of diseases in your plants.
  • Consider adding cold frames to your grow house setup for an extra layer of insulation, especially for more delicate plants.


Polyethylene-clad polytunnels are a versatile and cost-effective solution to protect your plants on a larger scale. Here's why polytunnels are a gardener's best friend:

  • Create a microclimate by trapping heat within the polytunnel, shielding plants from freezing temperatures.
  • Start planting earlier in the spring and extend your growing season well into the fall with the added warmth provided by polytunnels.
  • Shield your plants from wind, rain, and frost, creating an environment conducive to their well-being.

Best Practices for Winter Plant Protection

  1. Apply a thick layer of mulch around the base of your plants to insulate the soil, preventing rapid temperature fluctuations.

  2. Hydrate your plants adequately before the arrival of frost, as well-hydrated plants are more resilient to cold stress.

  3. Consider incorporating cold-hardy plants into your garden, reducing the overall vulnerability of your green space.

As you prepare your garden for the winter months, remember that a proactive approach to plant protection is key. Embrace the power of grow houses and polytunnels, transforming your garden into a resilient haven against frost. With these strategies in place, your plants will not only survive but thrive, ensuring a vibrant and lush garden come springtime. Happy gardening!

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