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Hyacinth bulbs prefer a good, rich, well-drained soil in full sun. They don’t grow well in shade, withtheir spikes of flowers getting thinner every year so for best results plant in a sunny spot.
1. We recommend you wear gloves when handling hyacinth bulbs to avoid skin irritation.2. Clear the area of all weeds and dig in some organic matter such as well-rotted manure toprovide nutrients.3. Plant your hyacinth bulbs in autumn, pointy side up. Mix in a good bulb compost with addedgrit for drainage.4. They should be planted 10cm deep and 4cm apart.5. Ensure they’re watered if there’s a dry spell in autumn to help them get established. Avoidoverwatering them as this can cause the roots to rot.
1. For a seasonal display, plant in then a soil-based bulb compost with horticultural grit toprovide good drainage.2. Plant them 10 cm deep and cover with soil.3. Firm in and water well to keep the soil moist to help them establish, however avoidoverwatering as this can cause the bulbs to rot.4. Feed them every week with a bone meal fertiliser until they die down naturally.
1. If growing indoors, the bulbs need a chilling period to bloom.2. Plant your hyacinth bulbs in a large container filled with multi-purpose or bulb compost.3. Make sure to plant the tips of the bulbs just above the surface, as this provides a good depthof compost for the roots to develop properly.4. Place your potted bulbs in a cool, dark place for 6 weeks in a temperature of 10°C or below.5. Check your pot/container regularly to ensure that the compost remains moist.6. When the shoots are about 5 cm tall, move the container into a warm and light position.
1. Once the flowering period is over, you can deadhead the flower spike, but allow the foliageto die back naturally as the leaves will provide the nutrients for next year’s blooms.2. After flowering, indoor hyacinths can be planted outdoors.3. Every few years it’s recommended to dig up your hyacinth bed or container, discard andremove any rotting or diseased bulbs and replant the bulbs in a new area.
Botrytis fungus can attack and damage the hyacinths if left untreated. If this occurs, a fungicide canbe applied. Aphids are a common pest and attack the flower buds. A simple organic method is to getrid of them is to douse with soapy warm water in a spray bottle.
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