Brussels Sprout 'Brechin' F1 Seeds are a Christmas harvest variety. Producing a heavy crop of deep green buttons, by sowing these seeds in February and March, you can expect to harvest a bumper crop of brussels in time for Christmas dinner.
This is a tasty, uniform crop that stands well in winter, shows good disease resistance and is rich in vitamins and antioxidants.
- F1 Hybrid variety
- Good disease resistance
Sowing Indoors
Almost fill a seed tray with moist seed compost. Sow seeds thinly over the surface, and lightly cover them with a little more compost. Place in the warmth, 10-15°C and keep moist. When large enough to handle, transplant 5cm apart into trays of potting compost.
Growing On / Planting Out
Gradually accustom them to conditions outside for 2-3 weeks before planting out to their cropping positions 60cm apart during summer.
Sowing Outdoors
Prepare a seedbed of finely broken down, weed-free soil. Sow seeds thinly in a shallow, pre-watered row. Lightly cover seeds with a little soil. Keep soil moist until seedlings are established.
When the seedlings have produced about four true leaves, transplant them to their cropping positions, allowing about 60cm each way between plants. Firm them in and keep them well watered in dry spells.
Incorporate fertiliser into the ground before planting firmly into soil preventing 'wind rock' in winter. Cover with a protective netting or fleece to prevent attack from birds and insects.