Unwins Carrot Gold Nugget F1 Seeds produce an impressive crop of yellow carrots. A late maincrop variety with sweet, juicy flavour. You can expect a uniform crop of tasty carrots with smooth skin, yellow to the core and rich in vitamin A.
Perfect to brighten up salads, soups and stir fries. These vivid yellow carrots are suitable for growing in trugs, containers and raised beds so you don't have to squat to the ground to tend and harvest saving your joints.
It is also recommended that you sow thinly to minimise the need to thin out: the scent released attracts pesky carrot flies.
- F1 Hybrid variety
- Great for containers and raised beds
Sowing Outdoors
Sow thinly 1cm deep in shallow pre-watered drills, in soil that hasn’t been manured in the last 12 months. Keep soil moist at all times. Protect early sowings with cloche or fleece.
Thin to 5-8cm apart. Avoid crushing the leaves as the scent attracts carrot root fly.
Carrots do best on light, stone-free, fertile soils. Use fleece to keep low flying carrot root fly from your crop. Roots store well if cleaned and packed in boxes of dry sand or compost.