Nepeta Plant 'Faassenii Kitten Around'

Nepeta × faassenii

A compact variety of the popular perennial catmint, with aromatic grey-green foliage and deep blue flowers all through summer that the bees absolutely love. Perfect in a container or edging a large border.

1 x 9cm Plant


Sold out this season


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Key Features

Marshalls Garden


Marshalls Garden

Low Maintenance

Marshalls Garden

Pollinator Friendly

Marshalls Garden

Long Flowering Season

Product Information

Eventual Height:



Fully established spread: 56cm


Full Sun

Suitable for:

Pots, Patio, Small Gardens, Borders, Cottage Garden, Ground Cover, Wildlife Garden, Raised Bed

Plant Type:


Soil Type:

Perennial flowers thrive in well-drained, nutrient-rich soil with a pH of 6.0 to 7.5, leaning slightly acidic to neutral for optimal growth.

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Plant outdoors

Plant outdoors


  • Deep blue flowers in summer
  • Aromatic grey-green foliage
  • Very popular with bees
  • Compact variety, great for pots

Nepeta faassenii 'Kitten Around' is a compact variety of the popular perennial catmint, with aromatic grey-green foliage and deep blue flowers all through summer that the bees will absolutely love. This hardy, low-maintenance perennial looks perfect in a container on a sunny patio, or edging a large border.

How you will receive your plants:

Selected by our team of experts and sent from our nursery, you will receive your plant in a 9cm pot, ready to plant out.

Can’t plant straight away?

Place in a sheltered spot and water regularly to keep the compost moist

Planting tips and hints:

Dig a hole approximately twice as deep and 3 times as wide as the plant’s rootball. If your soil is heavy mix in a soil improver before backfilling. Firm the soil around the plant and water thoroughly.

Water regularly in the first year after planting and in dry periods


Plant in well-drained soil in full sun. Trim after the first flush of flowers in summer to encourage a second flowering that will go on into autumn. Cut back to ground level in late autumn when it starts to die back.

When to plant and what to expect at different times of the year

You can plant hardy shrubs, trees and perennials at any time of the year avoiding the two extremes of heat and cold. During the summer months when it is hot and dry the need for watering becomes crucial to aid successful establishment and in the winter when the soil is frozen the plants will not be in active growth either above or below ground and risk getting cold damage. The same is true on the stage or growth you can expect your plants to be delivered in and this will be directly related to the time of year and the season.

When ordering through the year, here’s a summary of what to expect when receiving your plants:

Spring Months: Plants supplied in spring will be starting to show signs of active growth above and below ground.

Summer Months: Plants supplied in the late summer will be more advanced in size and flower stage

Autumn Months: In the autumn plants will be changing colour, showing signs of leaf colour breakdown and be preparing to shut down for winter.

Winter Months: Plants ordered and supplied during the winter months will be dormant and therefore may not be showing growth above the soil level or consist of bare branches with no leaves or bare roots with no soil.

These are all perfectly normal and natural for these types of plants growing in the northern hemisphere. All will still have a very healthy root system that can be planted when the weather is favourable by keeping the new soil level equal to the pot level and therefore not covering the crown of the plant at all. Planting during the autumn and winter months will allow for early establishment in the season and a bigger and better display throughout the main growing season. For more information on our plant sizes click here.

How to grow

How To Grow Perennials

Seedlings & Plug Plants

Once your seedlings or plug plants have been delivered, remove them immediately from their packaging. Place them in a shallow dish of water for a few minutes to soak the plug of compost. Ideally, these should be potted on immediately or if not, within a day or 2, keeping the plugs indoors in a warm and sunny place and ensuring the compost plug does not dry out. You may need to turn the plugs around as they will start to grow towards the light.

Potting on Plugs:

When you are ready to pot the plugs on, lift them by their leaves, not the stem, as these bruise easily and can cause disease to enter and kill the plants. Pot into 9cm pots filled with potting on compost by making a hole big enough for the plug to go into. Plant so the seedling leaves are still proud of the surface. Tap to settle the compost and give them a good water.

Hardening off:

Once your potted on plants reach approx 15cm (6in) tall and they are ready to plant out in their final location, the first step is to harden them off before moving them outdoors permanently. This involves simply placing them outdoors during the day and back undercover at night to allow them to get accustomed to the lower temperatures. Once they have been hardened off for a week your plants should be ready to plant out in their final location.

Final planting of seedlings & plugs:

Once the final frosts have passed, your plugs can now be planted in their final position. Choose decorative patio pots or in the garden borders. Best to use peat free compost or general-purpose compost. Water your compost before planting. Make a hole the size of your pot and plant up to the same level as the original pot. Water again to settle the compost around the root ball.


Bare Root Perennials

Soak the roots in a bucket of cold water for around an hour before planting to help hydrate the plant.

Dig a hole that is deep and wide enough to take the entire root mass. Place the plant in the hole and spread the roots out; the main stem should sit just above the surface of the soil. Fill the hole with soil and firm around the stem of the plant with your hand, or you can use your foot for larger perennials. Give them a good watering.

Garden Ready Plants and larger planting instructions:

Perennials in sizes Garden Ready Plants, 9cm, 1L, and larger, unpack and if the weather is favourable, put outside as soon as it arrives and give it a water.

When ready to plant, ensure it’s positioned in the right location and aspect in the garden.

Keep the area around it clear to avoid overcrowding which reduces its establishment and growth.

Dig a hole approximately twice as deep and 3 times as wide as the plant’s rootball. If your soil is heavy, mix in a soil improver before backfilling. We also recommend adding plant feed into the hole before back filling to help establishment and growth.

Place the plant in the hole so that it sits at the same level in the ground as it did in the pot. Firm the soil around the plant and water thoroughly.

Feeding and aftercare: Keep it well watered and fed for establishment and growth. Can be mulched in autumn/spring each year.

Planting and Flowering Months:

Planting and flowering months are subject to seasonal weather conditions. Recommended planting months for each variety are displayed on each product page. Large perennials over 9cm can be planted for almost all months of the year but take extra care during the cold winter months to avoid frost and hot summer months with extra watering.

Guide To Plant Sizes

Guide to Perennial Plant Sizes

Our Perennial Plants come in sizes from Seedlings up to 7.5L. Different sizes are at different maturity levels which alters their planting instructions.


Selected by our team of experts and sent from our nursery, you will receive your Seedlings in plug trays in a box. These are designed to keep your plants secure and to prevent damage in transit. Seedlings will require growing-on and hardening off in larger pots, please read our ‘How to grow’ guide.


Plug plants are larger and more mature than our seedlings, you will receive your Plugs in plug trays in a box. Plugs will require hardening off in larger pots, please read our ‘How to grow’ guide.

Garden Ready Plants

Our largest, most mature Plug plants, you will receive your Garden Ready Plug Plants in plug trays in a box. Garden Ready Plants are mature enough to be planted straight out into its final position.

9cm, 1L and Larger

You will receive your plant in a pot.

If you have ordered your perennial during autumn or winter, it may appear yellow or have no flowers/leaves. The plant is still healthy and ready to plant straight out into its final position but looks different during different seasons.

Bare Root Perennials

Delivered without a pot or compost, Bare Rooted plants are dormant plants. Don't be fooled by their appearance - bare roots are bursting with energy and planting them in autumn and winter is the best way to guarantee strong, healthy and thriving plants in spring and summer. Bare Roots require soaking in water before planting, please read our ‘How to grow’ guide.

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Soil Type

Seedlings need a fine Young Plant Compost.

Plug Plants need a Potting On Compost.

Established plants can use a Peat-Free Compost


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