Where to grow peas and French beans
Plant peas and beans in an open, sunny location with free-draining soil. Avoid planting beans in cold or very wet soil. Grow peas and beans in different areas of the garden each year to avoid build ups of pests and diseases.
How to prepare the soil for peas and French beans
Ideally, prepare the soil the previous autumn or winter to allow the ground to settle.
Dig in some well-rotted compost or farmyard manure to improve the structure and fertility of the soil. Add a dressing of lime to acid soil to raise its pH level.
Nutrient levels can also be boosted by applying a light dressing of general-purpose fertiliser a couple of weeks before sowing.
If desired, the soil can be warmed by putting down polythene sheets a few weeks before planting.
How to Plant Peas and French Beans
Push the base of the tray and ease out the plug. At this stage you can decide to plant each cell as it is with several plants in that cell or separate each plant out. Do this by gently pulling the compost apart, separating the roots of each plant.
Dig a hole similar size to the plug or plant, ensuring the roots are not coiled around and are facing downwards into the hole. Back fill, firm in the soil and give them a good water.
If planting in rows – plant about 10cm apart or if up supports, plant at the base of each cane.
How to support peas and beans
Supports are needed for peas and runner and climbing French beans.
Shorter varieties of peas grow well on twiggy branches, such as hazel, or pea netting. Use bamboo canes and netting for taller ones.
Train climbing French beans against bamboo canes, which can be arranged as a row of A-frames or tied together to form a wigwam.
When to harvest peas and beans
Early peas take between 12 and 14 weeks to reach maturity while maincrop varieties need 16 weeks before they’re ready to be picked.
French beans should be ready to pick from July, depending on sowing times.
Feel the pods to make sure they’re well filled before picking.
How to harvest peas and beans
Pick regularly to encourage the plant to produce more pods.
French beans should be harvested when pods reach 10cm (4 inches) and are easy to snap.
Grasp the pod and twist gently to detach it from the plant.
How to protect peas and beans
Young French bean and pea plants are prone to attacks by slugs. Use preferred slug deterrent to keep them at bay. Use netting to deter birds from pulling up new bean and pea shoots. Mice will sometimes eat newly-sown peas and beans: start plants in pots if this is a problem.
Look out for powdery and downy mildew on peas, which can be reduced with good airflow around the plants, don’t plant too densely together. Avoid getting water on the leaves and don’t water late in the day, best to do it early in the morning so the sun can dry them off. Remove immediately any diseased plants as these will infect close by plants.