Malus robusta Red Sentinel is one of the best crab apple trees. Sometimes known as the Siberian crab this ornamental tree earns its keep in any garden; with masses of pinkish-white spring blossom followed by very showy cherry-red crab apples. The fruits stay on the tree for a long time and they can be made into a tasty crab apple jelly or left on the tree as a feast for the birds.
Malus Red Sentinel also has brilliant autumn colour with the leaves turning shades of gold before they fall. Tolerant of pollution and happy in most soil types including clay; Malus Red Sentinel will thrive in city gardens; just give it a sunny position to encourage the best display of blossom.
Crab apple trees belong to the malus family, and they are often good pollinators for domestic apple trees (Malus domestica).
If it is not possible to plant because soil is waterlogged or frozen keep the trees somewhere frost free and airy. Keep the roots just moist by storing them in damp compost or if outside conditions allow, heel the trees in to a patch of bare ground until you’re ready to plant them into their permanent positions.
Rootstock: MM111
Flowering Group: Self-Fertile
Years until fruiting from planting: 2-4
Age of tree at despatch: 2
Height at full growth: 8m/26ft
Most of our trees are delivered as bare rooted specimens with approximate height of: 3.5ft - 5ft / 105cm - 140cm depending on the variety.
In order to ensure a good pollination pick fruit trees from within the same or from adjacent flowering groups.
The vast majority of the trees we ship have been pruned and will appear trimmed.
When to plant and what to expect at different times of the year
You can plant hardy shrubs, trees and perennials at any time of the year avoiding the two extremes of heat and cold. During the summer months when it is hot and dry the need for watering becomes crucial to aid successful establishment and in the winter when the soil is frozen the plants will not be in active growth either above or below ground and risk getting cold damage. The same is true on the stage or growth you can expect your plants to be delivered in and this will be directly related to the time of year and the season.
When ordering through the year, here’s a summary of what to expect when receiving your plants:
Spring Months: Plants supplied in spring will be starting to show signs of active growth above and below ground.
Summer Months: Plants supplied in the late summer will be more advanced in size and flower stage
Autumn Months: In the autumn plants will be changing colour, showing signs of leaf colour breakdown and be preparing to shut down for winter.
Winter Months: Plants ordered and supplied during the winter months will be dormant and therefore may not be showing growth above the soil level or consist of bare branches with no leaves or bare roots with no soil.
These are all perfectly normal and natural for these types of plants growing in the northern hemisphere. All will still have a very healthy root system that can be planted when the weather is favourable by keeping the new soil level equal to the pot level and therefore not covering the crown of the plant at all. Planting during the autumn and winter months will allow for early establishment in the season and a bigger and better display throughout the main growing season. For more information on our plant sizes click here.